Hosted by the talented Stephen Colbert, "The Late Show" is one of America's most beloved late-night news and political satire talk shows. During my time at Doyle Partners, I had the opportunity to work on the show's Identity and marquee design in collaboration with Design Republic. It was an exhilarating experience to brand such an iconic talk show. Together with Colbert, we explored various logo and opening credit sketches that would set the show apart from its predecessor, David Letterman, and create a fresh new look. Our creative collaboration resulted in a bold and distinctive design, capturing the show's unique character and humor. It was a pleasure to work with Colbert and contribute to the success of "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert."
Designing a logo for a talk show presented a unique challenge - it needed to be simple, memorable, and stand out from other similar shows. Furthermore, it had to be legible and scalable, allowing it to be recognizable at different sizes and across different mediums. We also had to ensure that the logo was recognizable in both color and black & white, and from a distance. To achieve these goals, we opted for clean lines, a limited color palette, and a bold design that conveyed the show's upbeat and engaging tone. The logo was a perfect fit for Stephen Colbert's interests and paid homage to the show's location on Broadway. Overall, we succeeded in creating a logo that was both iconic and practical, representing the show's unique personality while meeting all of its functional requirements.
Colbert's signature colors, red, white, and blue, are prominently featured in the logo design. The contrasting type size and lock-ups draw attention to "LATE SHOW" and "Stephen Colbert." Additionally, we designed "COLBERT" to stack down the building, which ensures visibility from all angles and distances.
Collaborating with the team to come up with compelling pitch ideas for The Late Show's logo and intro credits was a great experience. This initial preview provides a behind-the-scenes look at the creative process, showcasing a variety of early logo and animation concepts.
Stephen Colbert, the renowned master of comedy and political commentary, offers his humorous insights into America's greatest flaws in his latest book. With his trademark wit and satire, Colbert mockingly addresses the systemic flaws that are commonly acknowledged but often ignored. The book's design mirrors the style of "The Colbert Report," with a blend of humor, intelligence, and occasional unintelligibility in presenting issues and solutions facing America. The objective was to create a design that captures the essence of the show, offering a witty and engaging experience for readers. Through his unique perspective, Colbert tackles critical issues, and his book offers a refreshing take on contemporary politics and society.
America Again: Re-becoming The Greatness We Never Weren't connects humorous jokes and images written by Stephen Colbert and his team of writers, are designed to keep the flow of information engaging and accessible. To further enhance the reader's experience, we incorporated 3D glasses and added "depthiness" to the chapter images, creating an additional dimension to the seemingly 2D world. This innovative approach allowed Stephen Colbert to infuse his hilarious comedy into the book, making it a truly immersive and entertaining read.
“If There’s a better book than this, I haven’t written it.”—Stephen Colbert
We crafted a promotional video for Instagram to showcase our latest book and its exciting feature - Depthiness. Immerse yourself in an entirely new reading experience with “3D technology”, bringing a new dimension to the pages. Get a sneak peek of what's in store and join us in experiencing the magic of Depthiness!
Creative Director